
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Turkey Day 2012 recap - in pictures

My brother and his lovely bride hosted Thanksgiving dinner this year - we traveled to my hometown on Thanksgiving Day after Kelly got off shift that morning.  Gretchen always sets a beautiful table and provides delicious food after spending hours in the kitchen.  {I'm sad to say I didn't get a picture of the lovely host and hostess.}  Let me recap our family favorites:

Me: mashed potatoes (I don't think I've ever eaten such creamy, light mashed spuds)
Kelly: stuffing
Brandy: green bean casserole

I was touched by what everyone shared they were thankful for especially with the sincerity that the children shared.  I was probably the most moved by what my step daughter shared - she said she was most thankful for a loving, supportive family and for parents who push her because "it's totally worth it."  That statement really blessed my heart.  Parenting is not easy but step-parenting has its own unique set of challenges, especially when this insta-parent-child relationship is formed.  Please don't read between the lines and think Brandy is a terrible step daughter, because she is actually very, very, very easy to parent.  But there is a learning curve to teaching and admonishing children, especially teenagers.  I have been blessed this November as we have remembered God's goodness in our lives.  I pray we continue our purposeful giving of thanks even as we move on to the next holiday celebration.

HB turned 7 months on Thanksgiving Day - please notice the Turkey on his shirt.  I love it!

Kelly enjoying the beautiful weather with HB up in Cottonwood as well as some calm cows and calves that were close enough for HB to enjoy!

My parents holding two of their grandsons.  I truly think my parents had my siblings and I so we could make them grandparents.

Brandy (in the middle) with her cousins.

Brandy, Kelly, me and HB - we enjoyed spending the day with family!

Grandpa enjoying some play time with HB the morning after Turkey Day - HB can't get enough of cowboy hats and ball caps!

My sister spent Thanksgiving with her inlaws so we met for lunch on Saturday.  I love this photo - her son is tapping HB on the head with his little tupperware of Puffs.  They love each other:)  We ate at America's Taco Shop (read my sister's review of it here)and it was amazing!!  I'm already trying to figure out the next time I will be close enough to eat lunch there:)

I pray your Thanksgiving was restful and full of rejoicing for the many wonderful blessings in your life.  Enjoy the remainder of your holiday weekend whether you are burning off some extra calories, watching football or getting out your Christmas decorations!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Some Thanksgiving Day humor and gratitude

November is almost past and I have yet to blog.  I keep saying to Kelly that I can hardly believe Thanksgiving is almost here...oh wait, it is here.  Happy Thanksgiving!!  I hope today is spent resting, relaxing and rejoicing.  Yes, rejoicing.  We have so much to be thankful for so I pray that giving thanks and sharing gratitude permeates your day.

We started a new family tradition this year for the month of November.  Each time we have a family dinner we have been recording what we are thankful for on scraps of paper and placing them in a mason jar on our table.  We will read them as a family at the end of the month and then keep them in our family scrapbook as a reminder of God's goodness this year.  We include our meal guests in our tradition so we can also remember that we have many friends to be thankful for too.  Here are a few of the things that I am thankful for this year:

  • I am thankful for my salvation and the relationship I have with Christ.  I am so undeserving but that is why God's grace is so beautiful.  I have learned much this year in my two bible studies on the book of James and Revelation.  Praise God for his "BIGness" and his perfectly timed teaching in my life.
  • I am thankful to be a wife and mom.  My life has changed dramatically from where it was at two years ago but I wouldn't change a thing.  God is refining me through both being a wife and a mother and I am especially grateful that He cares enough to make me better and not leave me where I am at.
  • I am thankful for the life of my grandmother, Myra Joan Meyers.  She passed away a week and a half ago and I can't help but think of all the fun memories I have with her.  She was so full of life, even at 89.  She had a contagious, beautiful laugh that I hope I never forget the sound of.
  • I am thankful for American farmers and ranchers who produce safe, abundant and affordable food for people worldwide.  Enjoy your favorite holiday dishes today and don't forget to lift a prayer of thanksgiving for the hardworking men and women who work day in and day out to bring this yummy food to your table!
And today I leave you with a bit of Thanksgiving humor in this poem:

May your stuffing be tasty,
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
May your pies take the prize,
May your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

~Owen K. Lorion